IPsec on FreeBSD

These instructions are for IPsec in transport mode not IPsec in tunnel mode. IPsec in tunnel mode requires a too tight coupling with the routing table for dynamic routing because the policies can only be specified based on source/destination address and protocol not based on interfaces.


  • Root access to both endpoints.
  • Static IPv4 addresses for both endpoints unless you want to write a small shell script as hook for raccon.
  • At least one static IPv4 on at least one endpoint unless you hate yourself.

Kernel configuration

The FreeBSD GENERIC kernel lacks support for in-kernel IPsec processing. Add this two lines to your kernel config and (re-)build your own kernel. If you're new to FreeBSD check Chapters 15.9.1 and 9 of the FreeBSD handbook.

options   IPSEC        #IP security
device    crypto
Reboot into your new kernel.

Userland configuration

Install the racoon daemon. It's included in the security/ipsec-tools port. Racoon is pain in the ass to configure the first time because it's error messages aren't helping and the complexity of IPsec. Don't let this stop you. x