Example Configuration, if you have direct connection to your peer

  • Replace with a self chosen name to identify this peer
  • Replace with either `udp` or `udp6`, depending if you reach your remote peer with ipv4 o ipv6
  • Replace with the public ip address of your peer
  • Replace with the port number, where your peer's openvpn daemon listen for traffic
  • Replace with your public ip
  • Replace with a self chosen name, this will be the name of your network interface (tun device) for this peering
  • Replace with your own dn42 ip address
  • Replace with dn42 ip address of your peer
proto       <PROTO>
mode        p2p
remote      <REMOTE_HOST>
rport       <REMOTE_PORT>
local       <LOCAL_HOST>
lport       <LOCAL_PORT>
dev-type    tun
dev         <INTERFACE_NAME>
secret /etc/openvpn/<PEER_NAME>.key

then create a new key and share it with your peer

$ openvpn --genkey --secret /etc/openvpn/<PEER_NAME>.key