#Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) This page can be useful if you are trying to automate something or if you are trying to retrieve data programmatically.

##ASN Authentication Solution Authenticate your users by having them verify their ASN ownership with KIOUBIT-MNT using their registry-provided methods in an automated way. More Information in the setup tutorial: https://dn42.g-load.eu/auth/documentation/tutorial.html To use the service, please message Kioubit on IRC to have your domain activated.

##Registry REST API

dn42regsrv is a REST API for the DN42 registry that provides a bridge between interactive applications and the registry.

As well as the main REST API to the DN42 registry, the server can also generate ROA tables and provides a small web application for exploring registry data.

A public instance of the API and associated explorer web app is available at the following URLs:

https://explorer.burble.com/ (public internet link)
https://explorer.collector.dn42/ (DN42 link)